
Learning Intention: We are learning to use active thinking.

Success Criteria: My buddy and I will dig a tunnel for cars in the sand, leaving a bridge over the top for the trucks.

Term 4 Writing Sample - Fun with my Family

Learning Intention: I am learning to write about a topic.

Success Criteria: I am able to write about a time when I did something fun with my family.
Conlan, you enjoy biking with your family. Well done.

Term 4 Numeracy

Learning Intention: I am learning to order numbers to 20.

Success Criteria: I will know the numbers before and after up to 20.

Term 4 Reading


I am learning to look at all the letters in a tricky word to try and work it out.

When I come to a word I don't know, I look at the first and last letters and the letters in the middle. I sound them out.

"My Mum helps me sound out the words."